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God bless Africa
Give us this day our daily bread
A new nation is born: South Sudan
Dancing in the mission of God
Ascension day
Lord teach us how to pray
Give us this day our daily bread
  Give us today our daily bread (Matthew 6:11) Give us each day our daily bread (Luke 11:3 NIV)
  This part of the Lord’s Prayer could be translated to read: Give us today, our bread for the morrow! This somewhat refers to the assurance that God’s providence encompasses the present as well as the future. It is also significant that the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer is the one about bread.

“Bread” has various shades of meaning and refers essentially to a means of one’s basic sustenance. It talks of the essential and not the luxury which is usually at the expense of others.

Bread or whatever appropriate means of sustenance, is the minimum that the people of God and all that lives needs.
  Our daily bread concerns the very basic human right and that of any living creature. Life must be sustained otherwise it cannot last. People have to work in order to have food for their families. It starts with the farmer as he/she works on the land to produce food.

The process of food production has always been covered with many pitfalls. And these include access to land for farming, water (or the availability of rainfall), farming inputs, harvesting, market forces, costing and sales, storage and grain reserves of both grain and seed, etc.

These can be seen as the hazards that people have to negotiate in a very hostile socio-economic and political environment. The ‘hazards’ in the line of production of bread tend to affect the poorest of every nation. Bread has become a monopoly of the rich and powerful. They make laws so subtle that one cannot see the exclusion tendencies of the same laws.
  We can play some part in answering somebody’s prayer for bread today. We can team- up with friends or church/community groups to determine what can be done in our neighbourhood. But all the courses of action must be couched on the justice ethos. The God-given dignity of people must be maintained in all cases.
  Lord, Give us this day our daily bread, Also give us the means of production that will lead to a sustainable future. Lord, let it be that, no one may be threatened by hunger, malnutrition or scarcity;

Give bread to those who have none, and hunger for justice to those who have bread.

Teach us what is enough for today, and to share with those who have less than enough; We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
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